Friday 13 February 2015

Student Participation/Active Learning

Tips marked with an * indicates that the tip is consistent with learnng-centered teaching
Student Participation/Active Learning:
  • *Getting students to participate in class
  • *Promoting class participation, discussion among the entire class
  • *Student classroom participation
  • *Getting more student discussion
  • *Active learning within a large classroom
  • *Students working together on group projects, assignments
  • *Promoting class discussions
  • *Getting students to participate, answer your questions
  • *Promoting discussion in your class
  • *Making class discussions more of a group event
  • *Helping students learn more from lectures
  • *Making group presentations better and more meaningful learning experience
  • *Helping students master the vocabulary and definitions in a discipline quickly
  • Getting students to participate more in class
  • Evaluating students on class participation
  • Using brief questions to students in class
  • Calling on students in class*Making student presentations more of a learning experience for the listeners.

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